Don't Get in a lock up: 5 Reasons to Secure Your Tablet Stand

Don't Get in a lock up: 5 Reasons to Secure Your Tablet Stand

We all love the convenience of tablet stands. They keep our devices within easy reach for work, entertainment, or video calls. But have you ever considered the security of your stand itself? An uns...

The Silent Seducers: How Tablet Stands and Kiosks Can Captivate Your Customers

The Silent Seducers: How Tablet Stands and Kiosks Can Captivate Your Customers

In the retail landscape, two things reign supreme: brand and placement. Picture this: you enter a store, shelves overflowing with similar products from different brands. What makes one stand out? P...

The Art of the Re-Boot: Why We're Bringing Back Innovation at Armodilo

The Art of the Re-Boot: Why We're Bringing Back Innovation at Armodilo

Here at Armodilo, we've always prided ourselves on creating cutting-edge display solutions. For many years, our resident design genius crafted a product line that turned heads and revolutionized th...

Happy satisfactory and sad face on iPad

Beyond the Bottom Line: A Deep Dive into the Hidden Costs of Cheap Tablet Stands

In the fast-paced world of consumer electronics, where new products seem to appear daily, it's easy to get caught up in the price game. As a veteran of both technology and sales, I've witnessed cou...

Lightbulbs with words written inside

Beyond the Bezel: 6 Branding Must-Haves for Your Tablet Kiosks

In today's experience-driven retail landscape, tablet kiosks have become ubiquitous. They streamline transactions, offer interactive product information, and capture valuable customer data. But ami...

Security Vault

Beyond the Lock: 7 Essential Security Measures for Tablet Stands and Kiosks

In today's digital world, iPad / tablet stands and kiosks are no longer just display fixtures – they're gateways to sensitive information. From customer data to financial transactions, these intera...