Faith - Case Studies

Mobile Check In Kiosks for Children in Sunday School

Mobile Check In Kiosks for Children in Sunday School

In the bustling community of Goshen, Indiana, River Oaks Community Church has stood as a beacon of faith, drawing over 1,200 community members every Sunday. The church's growth, fuelled by its com...

New Hope Church

New Hope Church

New Hope Church transformed its Children’s Ministry with Armodilo’s portable check-in kiosks. Learn how our modern solution improved child safety and streamlined check-ins across 10 campuses, enhan...

Cornerstone Community Church

Cornerstone Community Church

Modernizing Children's Check-In With 175 people congregating each week, Cornerstone Community Church, on the beautiful north shore of Lake Tahoe, NV, offers dynamic non-denominational children serv...

Catch The Fire

Catch The Fire

After successfully modernizing the Attwell Books bookstore with Armodilo kiosks, Catch The Fire finds all-around engagement increasing as they deploy more Armodilo tablet enclosures.   Sharing valu...

River Oaks Community Church

River Oaks Community Church

How the launch of three Armodilo Floor kiosks gave River Oaks Community Church a friendly, secure, visible and long-lasting children’s check-in solution. The responsible incorporation of technology...