Teaching Children with Tablet Kiosks
The Ann Arbor District Library (AADL), located in Ann Arbor, Michigan has five locations to service the residents within the library’s service area. The AADL provides collections, programs, and leadership to promote the development of literate and informed citizens through open and equal access to cultural, intellectual, recreational, and information resources.
With circulation reaching close to 8.8 million items during recent years, the AADL wanted to expand its community reach using technology. Thousands of visitors are using the library the resources, both print and electronic, surfing the Internet using the library’s state of the art fiber-optic connection and Wi-Fi service, participating in classes to become better at using computers, viewing exhibits or attending library events.
Thanks to a new initiative, the next generation of informed citizens are learning how to use the internet and connecting with others with educational and interactive games, hosted on 11 iPad kiosks with Armodilo Sphere countertop iPad enclosures with audio plugs for user privacy.